TasteTweak - Create the App for your restaurant business

Create the App for your restaurant business

Take your business management to the next level with your new custom App while maintaining your brand's style. Simplify every aspect of your business intuitively and efficiently.

Play with the live demo of the App*

Tailored for you

You will find: your name, your logo, your theme, your layout and any other customizations to maintain your brand's style.

Product management

Easily create, update and manage your products, providing customers a user-friendly and captivating digital dining experience.

Order managemen

Simplify the ordering process with an intuitive interface for both your customers and you, ensuring smooth order processing of on-site, takeaway, delivery and online orders.

Table management

With full control of your business layout you will make your workflow smoother and more scalable.

Loyalty cards and vouchers

Effortlessly handle and reward your most loyal customers by offering digital loyalty cards and vouchers, allowing them to earn rewards and discounts.

Integrated payment process with SumUp

Are you looking for a complete solution? Enjoy hassle-free and totally secure payments (both in-App and via Bluetooth terminals) from your customers, making transactions smoother and more convenient.

*The presented demo showcases the customer experience view. To access the restaurateur's perspective, an administrative account is required.